
All of our translators are experts in their field, but human error is still a risk for even the most experienced professional. This is why we systematically apply the “four-eyes” principle: all of our translations are subject to a complete revision by a second translator with equivalent expertise to that of the first. The reviser performs a sentence-by-sentence comparison of the original text with the translation to ensure that the original author’s intention has been expressed accurately in the target language, and that the translation is free from spelling and grammatical errors. The reviser may also make stylistic improvements where necessary, and will check that the client’s terminology preferences have been respected.

This service is part of our standard offering and is therefore included in our prices. However, we also offer revision services for clients that have an existing translation they wish to improve, and proofreading services for original documents written in one language. All revision and proofreading work is performed by experienced financial translators who are native speakers in their working language.


We specialise in the provision of high-quality financial translation services performed by an internal team of expert financial translators and a ...

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All of our translators are experts in their field, but human error is still a risk for even the most experienced professional. This is why we ...

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linguistic asset management

Never translate the same material twice! All of the translations we perform for a particular client are stored in their own dedicated translation ...

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document management advisory services

Established primarily as a financial translation company, talk has also grown to be an expert in financial document management ...

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Are you worried about potential errors in the layout of a document you have to deliver to a specific client? Are you still looking for one ...

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Are you wondering how a translation of official documents can be sworn and certified? Is this the first time you need to certify your diplomas ...

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audio and video content

Are you wondering how to deal with your audio and video material for the purposes of transcription or adaptation? Are you unsure about the quality ...

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Are you wondering whether a video has been correctly translated? Are you aware of the whole complex process that this implies? The first ...

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Can you imagine watching a video and not understanding a single word, with no tools provided to help you? Can you imagine watching a video with ...

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